
Monday, December 30, 2013

Whole30-Week 1, 2014

Here is my Whole30 approved meal plan for the first week!  I hope you enjoy these recipes, some are mine, some aren't.  Feel free to adjust as you see fit and have fun in the kitchen while exploring new flavors.  I have also added breakfast and lunch ideas. 
Week 1

Whole30-Jan 2014

Happy New Year to you all!  I hope last year was full of excitement and growth.  I pray this year you will learn something new about yourself and have a deeper understanding of how much God loves you. 

We have officially 15 women participating in this second round of the Whole30.  I will be setting up meal plans and providing encouragement along the way.  Take a moment and browse my blog for recipes from the last Whole30 and if you have any comments or thoughts on something, feel free to share!

If you have gone through the Whole30 already, what was your biggest concern?  How did you overcome that and what difference has the Whole30 made in your life?

If this is the first time going through this process, be encouraged!  You can do this! Thousands of people have done this and have not regretted it, read some testimonies here.  What is your fear and how can we as a group help?

Chicken Curry-Whole30 approved

Curry is a favorite in our house.  My husband went to India for a business trip and brought back some spices for me.  I have really enjoyed using them and am sad to say, I have used them all up!  Curry is so versatile, you can add it to any dish and come up with something yummy.  I make steamed broccoli with this dish and will add it to the curry or leave it on the side.

Coconut Chicken Curry

1 TB coconut oil
1 lb chicken breast, diced
1 small onion, chopped
1-2 TB yellow curry
1-2 cans Coconut milk (I buy this one)

Heat cast iron to med-high heat.   Cook chicken breast in coconut oil till done, add onions and cook till fragrant and onions are translucent.  Add curry, mix completely and cook for additional 2 minutes.  Pour coconut milk into the mixture and be sure to scrap bottom of the pan and blend thoroughly.  Serve hot over rice*.

*omit rice for Whole30

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Stone Soup-Whole30 approved

Remember the story Stone Soup, the tale with three soldiers entering a village hungry and needing a meal?  No one in the village had any food to spare and were greedy with the soldiers, but by the end of the book, everyone was pitching in food to make a soup made from stones.

This book has been a favorite of mine since I was a child.  Stone soup is easy to make and it fun for kids to participate.  Use any left over cooked meat to throw in at the end, I used turkey from Christmas dinner in this one. 


1 lb of turkey from your Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner, chopped
Approx. 3 cups of water/stock (make sure stock has no sugar in it)
3 carrots, chopped
3 sweet potatoes, diced, skin off
1 onion, diced
1 small acorn squash, chopped
Mushrooms, to your liking
Salt and Pepper to taste
additional preferred spices and herbs-oregano, basil, garlic, thyme, rosemary
3 Small stones, washed-if you wish

The wonderful attribute about this soup is that you can mix and add anything you want.  Boil water/stock and add onion, carrots, potatoes, squash, salt and pepper, and additional seasoning you prefer.  Simmer for 20 mins, add mushrooms and chopped cooked turkey.  Cook additional 5-10 mins, till meat is warmed through.  Serve in small bowls, with great company.

Mango Salsa-Whole30 approved

This salsa is great on fish, chicken or over a Cuban-style stir fry.  I dislike cutting mango, but I have purchased one of these mango wedgers and I love it!  Target and Bed Bath and Beyond have them too.

Mango Salsa

1 mango, cut into small pieces
1/2 small red onion, finely chopped
1 jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped
2 TB (small handful) of cilantro leaves, chopped
Juice of a lime
Salt and Pepper to taste

Some people do not like to use salt.  I normally will not use a ton of it in any of my cooking.  I will however, use it when I am cooking with an acid (like a lime).  The salt will bring the acid intensity up to a nice flavor and make it spring on the tip of your tongue.  If you are one who omits salt, be sure to try it in this recipe and see what I mean!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Whole30 Week 3

Well we are finishing the weekend getting ready to start week 3 of the Whole30.  I wanted to get this posted last night but it didn't happen!  Hope you all are feeling tons better and starting to enjoy the process.  I know throughout these last 13 days, women have learned a lot about themselves.  I would just like a glass of wine, one glass, that's it.  :)  I am okay, really.  I went to a restaurant here in town the other night with my husband and they were very accommodating to my Whole30 request meal at 715
Week 3
  • Burgers wrapped with lettuce and avocado dressing with baked sweet potato
  • Chicken fajitas on bibb lettuce with a chile lime marinade
  • Thai Lifesaving Curry  over cauliflower "rice"
  • Roast with carrots, onion, celery-no sugar in the beef broth
What meals have you come up with during your Whole30?  I would love for you to share your recipes.

Thai Lifesaving Curry Soup-Whole30 approved

So Ash gave me this recipe to try the other night and our family loved it!  I, of course, had to make it my own and change it up a little, but it was an amazing dish.  I think I am making it again this week.  Let me know what you think.

Whole30 approved Thai Curry-Ashley Hoyle

1 lb chicken breast
Coconut or olive oil
1/2 head broccoli,
1/2 onion
1 red bell pepper
1 can coconut milk
1 Tablespoon Red Thai curry paste (I use Asian Creations brand)
1 tomato
1/4 pineapple

Chop all foods in to bite sized pieces. Grill chicken in coconut or olive oil. Once chicken is finished, add broccoli, onion, & bell pepper. When vegetables are tender, stir in coconut milk and curry paste. Let simmer for 2 minutes. Add tomato and pineapple. Let simmer for 2 minutes! And enjoy!

Notes on this dish:
- For those of you with families not participating in the whole30, I normally would serve this over Jasmine rice!
-You can add any of your favorite vegetables..this last time I added okra!
-The measurements have flexibility. If you want it more soupy, add more coconut milk. If you want more spice, add more curry paste!

I used beef and added ginger, garlic, and lime juice and served it over cauliflower rice! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Whole30, Week 2

This is the Whole30 meal plan for week two of the month.  By this time, I am sure that if you have had sugar cravings, you are definitely trying to tame the beast!  If you are wanting to eat out a time or two, check out this forum.

Week 2*
  • Basil Turkey Burgers, grilled zucchini and fruit of choice
  • Grilled white fish-(Cod, Mahi Mahi, Orange Roughy or Hake Loins) with Strawberry Avocado Salsa-omit sugar and baked sweet potato with clarified butter/ghee
  • Slow Cooker chicken and gravy with braised Kale and Carrots
  • Leftover Basil Turkey over Zucchini with a homemade spaghetti sauce (if buying, check for sugar)
  • Stuffed Portabellas with raw veggies

*Recipes to follow

Basil Turkey Burgers-Whole30 approved

I had a small BBQ the end of June and made these burgers.  They were so good and the best part was the fresh basil.  Kids ate them and the adults were asking me for the recipe.  If you know me at all, you know that when I cook, I make it up as I go.  All the recipes I have written are my best attempt at remembering what I did to it.  Granted, now that they are written, I have a recipe to follow.  Hope you like these.

Basil Turkey Burgers

1lb ground turkey
2tsp oregano
5-6 basil leaves chopped
salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together and make patties.  I love to grill, so these I through on the grill.  You can cook them in a cast iron skillet too.  Serve with an Avocado dressing. 

What are your favorite things to grill?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 6 of the Whole30

It's Friday everyone and we are headed in to the weekend! This will be the first weekend in the Whole30 and schedules are busy.  So how do we do this with soccer games, flag football and even KU's first football game of the season?  Hot Dog any one?  But seriously, let's talk a little about dining out and portion control. 

"It doesn't matter how much I eat because it is all good food."  Have you said this to yourself?  The reason for the free meal planning template is to help with portion control.  People over eat.  To the point where our bodies do not know when they need to stop eating.  How many times have you sat in front of the T.V. and went through a whole bag of chips with out realizing it?  How many of you get bored and want to change something with what you're doing, so you eat?  Me.  Right here! I have done it.  I see my kids do it too!  Portion control is important.  Our body needs to be able to tell us when we are full.  If we over eat, that doesn't happen.  It's interesting too, because we tend to become anxious when told we can't eat more than a certain amount.  Like we won't be able to eat just three hours later or that we aren't going to have another meal. Ever.  I encourage you to try your very best to stick to the template.  If you are nursing or pregnant, you need the calories, eat when your body says it needs fuel. 

Dining out can be tricky on the Whole30.  Just be sure to ask questions and be aware of what you are eating.  No one expects you to stay in your house for 30 days and cook every single meal.  Shoot, I have already eaten at Chipotle twice on this plan.  Yeah me! 

Remember, this is about looking at food differently.  Not about subsituting acceptable ingredients for bad ingredients.  It is about completely changing how you approach food.  Does it taking planning ahead?  You sure bet it does.  Does it mean you have to pay attention and not shrug off what your food is made of?  Yes, it does.  Our bodies are either living or dying.  My hope for you all is that you will have a renewed sense of health and more life to your body.  I ran today from point A to point B and didn't get tired.  I usually joke that the only reason any one should ever run is if they are being chased.  Really though, I would have been doubled over somewhere along the run, just ask my husband.   He doesn't ever see me run.

I hope you all have a great weekend!  Tell me what you are doing different, are you feeling your body restoring back to health?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 3 of the Whole30

Here we are day 3, how do you feel?  I know I am feeling good, but could gnaw off my arm.  Nursing and doing the Whole30 is quite the task! Thankfully I saw tons of testimonies of other women pregnant or nursing saying how great it was for them.  You will just see me eating, a lot.  Check out the timeline Ash was talking about and see if it lines up with your days. 

I have really enjoyed hearing every one's meals and encouragement to one another.  I think a real favorite has been the Monkey Salad!  What is exciting is the group of women don't all know each other and in order to make the group "real" to everyone, we emailed each other and did a shout out and reason why we are participating in the group.  The consensus, by far, was to get back to food the way God intended and cleanse the good ol' taste buds.  There have been a few people saying they want to do this but couldn't at this time.  I will be doing this again, I am sure of it!  (ask me that on day 15). 

Homemade Aioli-Whole30 approved

So throughout the Whole30 I have been mentioning homemade aioli (which is fancy for garlic mayo) and I had a dear friend ask me for the recipe!  Well here you go Ms. Steph, now get to work!

Homemade Aioli
Makes 2 Cups-Keeps one week refrigerated

1 pasture egg yolk from a trusted source, it will be raw
1 cup olive oil
1 cup macadamia oil or avocado oil
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 T fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 T lemon zest (optional)
2 tsp of stone ground mustard

Begin by mixing the egg yolk, garlic, and mustard in a food processor.  You will need a food processor with the little hole in the lid, where it says "for oil".  If you do not have one, you will need to pour the oil at a slow constant pace.

Once all the oil has been incorporated, season with salt and pepper to your liking.  You can use this with grilled veggies, like asparagus or on chicken.  It makes a great bonding agent for chicken or tuna salad!

Have you made aioli before?  What did you put in yours?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Whole30 Lunch Ideas

I have come up with some Whole30 lunch ideas.  Leftovers is always the best idea, but sometimes you just need something different.  Here are a few things I came up with.

  • Chicken Salad
  • Chicken sausage (make sure no sugar in ingredients) with sauteed veggies
  • Chili
  • Salad with Tuna, avocado, tomatoes, and aioli
  • Meat plate with uncured lunch meat, veggies, nuts, and fruit
  • Steak and Berry Salad-omit cheese
  • Asparagus Quiche-omit cheese and sub 1/2 cup coconut or almond milk for the raw milk, omit crust
  • Arugula, Tuna, Bubbies Pickles-available at the Merc, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers and top with olive oil and vinegar
  •  Chicken Salad with mango, asparagus, roasted chilies and avocado

These are just some ideas.  Please feel free to share your own ideas with the group.

Chicken Salad-Whole30 approved

Chicken Salad is so easy and a staple for a lot of people.  Nothing makes a chicken salad like a homemade aioli!  This recipe is awesome! Enjoy

1lb of chicken breast, diced or shredded
1 cup of homemade aioli or homemade mayo, Whole30 approved
1 apple, chopped and seeded, gala or pink lady
1/2 cup chopped red grapes
1/4 cup of sliced almonds
2 green onions chopped
salt and pepper to taste

Mix together and serve on a bed of bibb lettuce. Enjoy with some Monkey salad.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Breakfast Ideas-Whole30

The Whole30 has really helped people change the way of how to view food.  When we think of breakfast the staples come to mind:  pancakes, cereal, oatmeal, eggs, waffles, and such.  With the exception of eggs in this list, you can not eat any of it...for 30 days.  So this causes one to have to rethink breakfast.  Who says you can't have salad for breakfast? Not me!  Here are list a of simple quick ideas for breakfast while on the Whole30. 

  • Monkey Salad
  • Prosciutto cups in ramekins-omit dairy
  • Fajita omelet
  • Snack plate-meat, fruit, veggie, and nuts
  • Baked grapefruit-400 for 20 mins, top with coconut flakes, sliced almonds, cinnamon, fresh nutmeg
  • Fried egg with diced sweet potatoes on a bed of spinach, top with salsa
  • Baked egg in avocado-425 for 15-20 min, top with salsa, chives
  • Arugula salad with avocado, blackberries, raspberries, coconut shreds (unsweetened), almonds, splash olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
What are some dishes you have had on the Whole30 or would like to try?

Stuffed Portabellas with a Tomato Sauce-Whole30 approved

Our Whole30 group starts in t-minus 1.5 days.  I don't know about you, but I have been eating things I don't normally eat because I know I won't be able to eat it for 30 days.  Crazy I know!  A woman in this group said she was doing the same thing and said we're not supposed to gain 15 lbs before we start the reset!  I agree.  Last night, I tried this recipe to see if it was tasty enough to apply it to our meal plan and it was.  My family loved it and I hope you all do too!

Stuffed Portabellas

6 large portabellas
13 oz lump crab meat, here is the brand I used
3/4 lb andouille sausage, cooked and casing removed-make sure no sugar
1/2 cup parsley chopped
4 green onions, chopped
1/2-3/4 cup homemade mayo or mayo with no sugar
2 garlic cloves minced
1tsp Hungarian paprika
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil

Preheat oven 400 degrees. 
Mix all ingredients together in mixing bowl.  Brush the tops of the mushrooms with olive oil and place on bake ware (I used a 9x13 stoneware).  Divide mixture up evenly among the 6 portabellas.  Season with salt and ground pepper.  Bake for 20 mins.
Serve on top of Tomato Sauce with raw zucchini slices on the side. 

Simple Tomato Sauce-Whole30

This recipe I used for my stuffed portabellas.  It's really easy to make and taste so yummy.  You can use this with Spaghetti squash or a zucchini lasagna.  What ever dish you decide to use with it, enjoy!

Tomato Sauce

28 oz organic tomato sauce
1/2 red onion, diced
2 tsp oregano
1 clove garlic, minced
salt and pepper
olive oil

Heat a medium sized pan on medium heat.  Add oil, onions and begin to soften to fragrant.  Then add garlic, cook 1 min and stir.  Add sauce and oregano.  Once heated, turn to low and simmer 8-10 mins.  Season with salt and pepper to your liking. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Whole30

A group of women and I are starting the Whole30 Sept 3.  Some felt it would be best to start after Labor Day.  Either way, I am so excited about the next 30 days and what it will do for us all as a group and individually.  I have collected and written recipes that fit the Whole30 guidelines and will be posting them here for easy access for the group.

I think my favorite part has been the menu planning and coming up with ideas for food for everyone.  By all means, please do not feel like you all have to stick with this plan, but it is here to help you out.

Week One*
  • Grilled Mahi Mahi with Sauteed Mushrooms, Cantalope
  • Crispy Smash Chicken with Salsa Roja Asada, Steamed greenbeans
  • Burger Bites with Carmelized Onions, topped with Guacamole, Cantalope & Raspberries
  • Pan Seared Rib-Eye with Sauteed Bok Choy and Roasted Red Peppers
*Recipes to follow

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Peach Cobbler

Peaches are in an abundance in our home right now!  I recently bought a case and a half of Tennessee peaches and have had fun finding new things to make with them.  My favorite dessert is a Peach Cobbler.  However, I do not like all the junk that can go in a commercially made cobbler.  So, yes, you have guessed, I made one without the junk, a clean peach cobbler you could say!

10-12 peaches, pit removed and chopped
1/2 c local honey
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 TB of cinnamon
1 TB of arrowroot powder
Homemade pie crust
cinnamon and sugar for top of crust
Egg wash or 1/8 cup of raw cream, I prefer the cream

Preheat oven 400 degrees.  Mix all ingredients together and let rest for 5 mins.  Meanwhile, make your pie crust topping.  Place the peach mixture in a 9x13 glass dish and top with the crust.  Brush the crust with the raw cream and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top, if desired.  Bake 20-25 mins, until mixture is bubbling.  Enjoy with some homemade vanilla ice cream!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Easy Pie Crust-Coconut oil

Pie crust can be a pain to make at times.  I like this one because I just mix it all together in the dish I am using and press it to the sides.  Any time I use coconut oil, I always use unrefined, raw coconut oil.  I don't notice the coconut flavor in this pie, but then again, I don't notice it ever. 

Pie Crust
1 1/2 cups + 3 TB of flour
1/2 cup of coconut oil
3 TB of milk
1 1/2 tsp sugar, optional (I use it sometimes)
1/2 tsp salt

Mix all of the ingredients together and roll it out to your desired shape!

Happy Father's Day! My Clean Cherry Pie

Every June we like to go and pick cherries from an orchard nearby.  I usually freeze the cherries for the winter time.  Sometimes I will take them and add them to my water with lemon and have a "cherry lemonade".  Other times, I make this pie.  My 8 year old son, who looks forward to it, asked me when I was going to make the pie.  So I decided to make it for Father's Day. I hope your family enjoys it as much as we do!

Cherry Pie
4 cups of pie cherries, pitted and cleaned
1 cup of honey
4 TB of arrowroot powder
1/2 tsp of pure vanilla
1/4 tsp of pure almond extract
pinch of sea salt

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Mix arrowroot, salt, honey, vanilla, and almond, let rest for 15 mins.  Line a pie plate with your own pie crust or make this one.  Pour the cherry mixture onto the crust and then top with another crust.  Flute edges if desired, cut vents to allow air to escape.  Cover the crust with a pie crust shield to keep edges from burning. 

Cook for 10 minutes at 450, then turn down to 350 and cook an additional 30 mins.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dairy-Free Dark Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate has a lot of great benefits for your health, which is the only reason I eat it! Yeah right! Ever since I started making my own chocolate, I have saved money and don't need to worry about the soy.  Then I discovered this.  It takes hardly any time and is easy, dairy free and delicious.  Hope you all enjoy it too.

1/2 cup fair-trade cocoa powder (A cocoa powder that is Dutch Processed removes all the benefits from the cocoa by using sodium carbonate, or washing soda.  There are so many opinions on this, decided what is best for you and your family.)
1/4 cup melted raw, unrefined coconut oil
1 TB raw honey, if you want semisweet or milk chocolate, add more
1 can of cold coconut milk, not the beverage and I prefer Native Forest

Add all ingredients together and blend until smooth. Serve with some raspberries or top with almonds and Celtic salt.

When I made this the first time, my coconut milk was in the fridge in a mason jar.  I needed only 3 TB for a previous recipe so I poured the rest in glass to store for later use.  When I was making my chocolate I remembered I had that in the fridge and thought, "What if I added that to my mixture?". I added half and then the mixture turned into a hard consistency and the added the rest and voila! My very own dark chocolate mousse!!! So exciting!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Balsamic Vinaigrette

This is so easy, I can't believe I am even posting this!  I suggest taking a moment and consider purchasing a really great balsamic vinegar.  Buying any vinegar is like buying a nice bottle of wine.  Try a couple and decide what taste you like best.  I would recommend the bottle being a dark bottle and grapes are from Italy.  It ought to be on the thicker side and not as runny.  Most bottles will give a percentage on the acidity level of the vinegar.  I like mine between a 6-8%.  Still sweet but with a kick.  One of these days I will make my own until then, I buy this one, Aceto Balsamico Di Modena, although I did not spend that much on it! You don't have to get it at Dean and Deluca either, I just liked the way they described it.

Base Balsamic Vinaigrette
1/3 cup good quality balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup good quality olive oil
1-2 TB of local honey
Sea Salt and cracked black pepper to taste

Whisk in a bowl or put all ingredients into a mason jar, put the lid on it and shake.  I deviate from this a bit, but I use this as a base recipe.

You can add:
1 garlic clove, minced
1 TB of a good stone ground mustard

Or you could add:
2 TB of Organic Raspberry Jam instead of honey

Experiment and make it your own!  That is what cooking is all about!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Version of a Cobb Salad, Paleo Style

I have been eating this salad every single day for the last week or two.  I am not sure what it is, maybe it's the textures.  Maybe the flavors?  Maybe all of the above.  Either way, it is delish and I want to share it with you.

Pseudo Cobb Salad, Paleo
Spring Mix
2 hard boiled pasture eggs
3 strips of no nitrate-bacon, cooked and chopped
1/4 cup raw walnuts
half of an avocado, diced
Base Balsamic Vinaigrette

Mix all together and enjoy with a nice cold Clementine Izze!
Makes 1 Salad.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quick and Easy Afternoon Snack-Chocolate Nut Crunch

Some times I really want something sweet in the afternoon and I do not want the processed gross stuff.  One afternoon, I went to my cabinet and looked to see what I could throw together quickly and easily to be able to enjoy.  This is what I came up with. If any of you know me, I do not ever measure when I am cooking.  I always "eyeball" it. 

Chocolate Nut Crunch
1 cup pecans
1 cup walnuts
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/4 cup wheat germ
1-2 handfuls of chocolate chips

Preheat oven 400 degrees.  Mix nuts, oats, and flakes and toast on a 9x13 pan (I use stoneware, love it!) for approximate 10-15 mins, till you can smell them.  Shake and or stir them in the pan as you toast them. A good rule of thumb, when you start to smell them roasting, they only need a couple more minutes before they are done.
I do not like to make more work for my self if not necessary, I will use the same bowl for numerous things.  Mix the chocolate chips, chia seeds and wheat germ.  When the nut mixture is done toasting, immediately add to the chocolate mixture.  Stir until all is mixed and chocolate is melted.  Use the same 9x13 pan and pour mixture back on and smooth out.  Let cool approx 30 mins (I can't not ever wait the 30 mins, just saying) and break off into small chunks.  Enjoy.

What is your favorite afternoon go to snack?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yogurt Cheese-with Raw Milk

I actually made this by accident and have loved it ever since.  My 2yr old likes to eat it straight out of the container.  This is a smooth cheese which is great on crackers, by the spoon, or on toast.  However you decide to eat it!

2 quart of Raw Milk Yogurt
2 garlic cloves minced
2 TB fresh dill minced
cheese cloth

Pour the yogurt into the cheesecloth over a bowl to strain for up to 3-5 hours.  I usually hold the cheesecloth and manuever the yogurt back and forth to help "speed" up the process and watch the yogurt become cheese.  Once the whey has been removed, the clump that is left ought to be really thick, with dense texture.  Add this cheese to a glass bowl and mix dill and garlic till smooth.  Serve with crackers. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Raw Milk Yogurt

Yogurt is easy to make.  Now, I have taken approximately a year and a half to get this to where I want it to be.  I couldn't quite figure out what I was doing wrong.  Something just wasn't right.  Come to find out, my thermometer was broken and I had been heating the milk too high.  Oops.  Now that I know this, viola, my yogurt has been a perfect success! Now you can do this without going through all the issues I did! I don't even bother putting it into a bowl lasts me two days.  Sometimes, I will make yogurt cheese with the other half of the gallon.  Whatever you decide, have fun!

3 1/2 quarts Raw milk, preferably, but organic whole milk is next best
2 cups raw cream, or organic cream, not half and half, pure cream
3 TB culture previous batch or commercial yogurt

Mix together milk and cream into a gallon sized bowl.  Heat milk in a large stock pot to 110 degrees, should be slightly warmer then your pinkie.  Remove from heat.  Take 1 cup of heated milk and mix culture thoroughly together till blended.  Remove 3 TB of milk prior to pouring the mixed culture back into the pot.  Stir well.  Pour milk into one gallon glass jar or four glass quarts jars, cover with lids.  Shake jar(s) to mix well again. 
Place the gallon jar into a large stock pot and fill with hot water.  Do not over the jar, leave 2 inches or so above the water.  Place lid on stock pot and wrap two towels around the stock pot to keep warm.  Let sit for at least 13 hours and no longer than 24 hours.  My favorite has been the 15 hour mark. 
Once you are ready to check the yogurt, tilt the jar to the side and the yogurt should pull away from the glass in a thick mass. 

I will take half of the gallon jar and strain in the cheesecloth for up to 3 hours. 

Take a wooden spoon to stir around the yogurt to keep the whey draining.  Keep the whey, the by-product, for a later use. 
Empty the cheesecloth into a bowl and blend with a hand held blender till smooth.  Here is where you can add *flavor to your yogurt.  Refrigerate.  Will last up to 2 weeks before going "bad", but will last up to a week before it gets eaten all up! 

Makes 1 gallon of Yogurt.

2 cups of yogurt
1/2-3/4 cup Honey
Blend till smooth.

2 cups of yogurt
1/2 cup peanut butter
Blend till smooth.

2 cups of yogurt
1TB of real vanilla extract
Blend till smooth.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

I have been trying to find a good low-glycemic cookie recipe that was yummy to eat.  If you have never worked with Spelt, it gives the food characteristics of a cake.  Spelt is not gluten free and is hardier than most wheats.  I have been working on this one, let me know what you think!

Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 eggs
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
1 cup coconut oil
3/4 cup local honey
3/4 cup coconut palm sugar
3/4 cup organic unbleached Spelt flour
3/4 cup organic whole wheat flour (sub with 3/4 spelt if you wish)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp aluminum-free baking powder
1 tsp vanilla

Pre-heat oven to 375.
Mix coconut oil, palm sugar, and honey together untill well blended, add eggs and vanilla.  Add flour and baking powder and baking soda, mix. Stir in chocolate chips.  Spray 9x13 glass/stoneware and spread mixture in evenly. Bake 18-20 mins.  Enjoy with some Raw milk!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chocolate Bites-Raw

It has been a year since I last posted anything.  I must have thought I was really busy last year this time, being pregnant, mom of four, and life in general.  I have so many new recipes and yummieness (is that even a word) to share with you all!
*You can keep this raw if you do not toast the nuts.
Here is what I made this afternoon:

Afternoon Chocolate
1 cup organic pecans
1 cup organic walnuts
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1 cup organic rolled oats
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup local honey
1/4-1/2 cup peanut butter (mine is homemade, recipe to follow soon)
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup organic chia seed

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Mix together first four ingredients together and place on stoneware to cook evenly for 10 min.  As you smell the mixture toasting, stir the batch.
In a separate bowl, mix wheat germ, chia seeds, and chocolate chips.  Once the batch is done toasting, add the chocolate mixture, along with honey and peanut butter. Mix all together thoroughly in the hot stoneware. Press into bars or chunks.  Let cool.  Serve with a nice glass of raw milk!