
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Whole30, Week 3, April 2014

We have finished two weeks and are starting our third.  I hope you everyone is having more energy.  I know some of you are tired and bored of trying to figure out what to eat.  That is normal and you are almost done!  Stay in it and finish strong.  I am excited for you all and look forward to hearing about all the new changes you decided to implement into your day to day routine.

Week 3

If you have any links to great Whole30 recipes, please share!

Chick Pea and Paneer Coconut Curry w/Whole30 option

Chick Pea and Paneer Coconut Curry
1 TB coconut oil
2 cans of chick peas, drained and rinsed (omit for Whole30)
I can of coconut milk (2 cans if you want to make a soup)
3 green onion, trimmed and chopped, green and white bulb
2 carrots, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
½ bunch Swiss chard, washed, cut and chopped
Approx. 6 oz. of Paneer Cheese (omit for Whole30)
2 Garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp cumin
Juice of one lime
Salt and pepper
Cilantro for topping
*Cayenne (optional)
Brown rice (omit for Whole30)

Heat coconut oil in large stainless steel skillet.  Sauté onion, chard, carrots, pepper and garlic, sweat for 2-3 mins. until onion is soft.
Add drained chick peas, curry, cumin, s&p, cayenne and cook for additional 2 min. 
Add coconut milk, paneer, and lime juice.  Simmer, approx. 10 mins, till warmed through.  Taste and add whatever you may need J

Serve over brown rice or as a soup.  Top with cilantro.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Whole30, Week 2, April 2014

We have finished the first week of the Whole30.  I hope that you all are overcoming the need for sugar and realizing the impact it makes on your body.  Finding sugars in food that you eat is difficult, but can be made easy!  There are over 50 different names for sugar, not just the natural, but fake sugar and plain sugar.  Get familiar with the list!  It can save you from having to restart your Whole30. 

The meal template is your guide.  Use it.  People have a tendency of choosing to not eat at all instead of following this template.  That is not okay for your body!  The purpose of the template is to retrain your body to know when you are full.  American portions are about 3x's the amount of food one really needs per sitting.  Don't will eat again.  No need to feel like you have to eat big portions.  Follow the template. It helps so much!! 

Eating out is something that I don't even like to try to do when participating on the Whole30.  There are a couple places I know that are compliant, but really unless you can actually read the labels or have them read to you, I wouldn't trust it.  I mean, do you what you want, of course.  I think for the amount of time and effort one puts into this cleanse, it is worth looking into everything.

For those of you not familiar with websites or how links work.  If the words on this page are a different color or if there is a picture involved; for the most part, you can click on the set of words or picture and you will be directed to another link or website with information.


What have you noticed about the Whole30?  What has the lack of sugar shown you?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Whole30-Day 1, April 2014

I get it.  The thought of having to be completely aware of everything I am consuming and making sure I don't slip up and eat something I am not supposed can cause anyone anxiety!  Let me explain a little of the process. 
Most processed food is filled with preservatives, chemicals, and substances that are not even food (i.e. yoga mats).  Out of a desire to not have these things in our system, a cleanse is a reasonable way to go. 

By participating in the Whole30, you can rid your body of anything that doesn't need to be in there.  For 30 days, one participates in a restricted eating plan to help eliminate all preservatives and such.  The purpose of restricting to whole foods and uncomplicated labels is allow your body to be restored back to the way it was intended to be. 

Preservatives and chemicals in foods do not allow a person to "feel full", which is why one reason people can eat a plate full of food and still fill hungry.  Read this as an example of what additives can do to your body.  Sugar feeds different bacteria in your body and this is why the sugar needs to be eliminated. 

I am excited for everyone these next 30 days and I am believing for great things for you all!

Happy 30!