
Monday, December 30, 2013

Whole30-Week 1, 2014

Here is my Whole30 approved meal plan for the first week!  I hope you enjoy these recipes, some are mine, some aren't.  Feel free to adjust as you see fit and have fun in the kitchen while exploring new flavors.  I have also added breakfast and lunch ideas. 
Week 1

Whole30-Jan 2014

Happy New Year to you all!  I hope last year was full of excitement and growth.  I pray this year you will learn something new about yourself and have a deeper understanding of how much God loves you. 

We have officially 15 women participating in this second round of the Whole30.  I will be setting up meal plans and providing encouragement along the way.  Take a moment and browse my blog for recipes from the last Whole30 and if you have any comments or thoughts on something, feel free to share!

If you have gone through the Whole30 already, what was your biggest concern?  How did you overcome that and what difference has the Whole30 made in your life?

If this is the first time going through this process, be encouraged!  You can do this! Thousands of people have done this and have not regretted it, read some testimonies here.  What is your fear and how can we as a group help?

Chicken Curry-Whole30 approved

Curry is a favorite in our house.  My husband went to India for a business trip and brought back some spices for me.  I have really enjoyed using them and am sad to say, I have used them all up!  Curry is so versatile, you can add it to any dish and come up with something yummy.  I make steamed broccoli with this dish and will add it to the curry or leave it on the side.

Coconut Chicken Curry

1 TB coconut oil
1 lb chicken breast, diced
1 small onion, chopped
1-2 TB yellow curry
1-2 cans Coconut milk (I buy this one)

Heat cast iron to med-high heat.   Cook chicken breast in coconut oil till done, add onions and cook till fragrant and onions are translucent.  Add curry, mix completely and cook for additional 2 minutes.  Pour coconut milk into the mixture and be sure to scrap bottom of the pan and blend thoroughly.  Serve hot over rice*.

*omit rice for Whole30

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Stone Soup-Whole30 approved

Remember the story Stone Soup, the tale with three soldiers entering a village hungry and needing a meal?  No one in the village had any food to spare and were greedy with the soldiers, but by the end of the book, everyone was pitching in food to make a soup made from stones.

This book has been a favorite of mine since I was a child.  Stone soup is easy to make and it fun for kids to participate.  Use any left over cooked meat to throw in at the end, I used turkey from Christmas dinner in this one. 


1 lb of turkey from your Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner, chopped
Approx. 3 cups of water/stock (make sure stock has no sugar in it)
3 carrots, chopped
3 sweet potatoes, diced, skin off
1 onion, diced
1 small acorn squash, chopped
Mushrooms, to your liking
Salt and Pepper to taste
additional preferred spices and herbs-oregano, basil, garlic, thyme, rosemary
3 Small stones, washed-if you wish

The wonderful attribute about this soup is that you can mix and add anything you want.  Boil water/stock and add onion, carrots, potatoes, squash, salt and pepper, and additional seasoning you prefer.  Simmer for 20 mins, add mushrooms and chopped cooked turkey.  Cook additional 5-10 mins, till meat is warmed through.  Serve in small bowls, with great company.

Mango Salsa-Whole30 approved

This salsa is great on fish, chicken or over a Cuban-style stir fry.  I dislike cutting mango, but I have purchased one of these mango wedgers and I love it!  Target and Bed Bath and Beyond have them too.

Mango Salsa

1 mango, cut into small pieces
1/2 small red onion, finely chopped
1 jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped
2 TB (small handful) of cilantro leaves, chopped
Juice of a lime
Salt and Pepper to taste

Some people do not like to use salt.  I normally will not use a ton of it in any of my cooking.  I will however, use it when I am cooking with an acid (like a lime).  The salt will bring the acid intensity up to a nice flavor and make it spring on the tip of your tongue.  If you are one who omits salt, be sure to try it in this recipe and see what I mean!